Site News

December Update + Chumbus news

Posted 2 years ago :: Last edited 2 years ago by Handhelld

Heya everyone we've got some updates for our december plans!
As I mentioned previously, chumbus is not going to be a larger event like in previous years. This year it will be held as a one week seasonal shop with a single prompt. Like previous seasonal shops, the Chumbus shop will use RC instead of EC. The shop will contain all of the classic Chumbus items from last year!

The reason we do this is because everyone is rather busy during the holiday season, mods included! So in addition to a downsized chumbus, we're also going to be taking a 3 week hiatus at the end of the month. During this hiatus, all claims onsite will be turned off, meaning you cannot submit prompts, art, Myos, or design updates! Our discord help channel will still be open, but we will not be answering questions as often as we normally would be!

Chumbus will be held December 5th -> December 11th
Hiatus will occur from December 12th -> January 1st

If you have any questions about Chumbus or the Hiatus, please send them in the #help channel or leave a comment on this news post!


On a more minor note, with the end of auter, Maple Snort has left the familiar shop! He will be returning again next september! Make sure to grab yourself a whoo before it leaves after December!

Hattowen wrap-up

Posted 2 years ago :: Last edited 2 years ago by Handhelld

Hope y'all had fun for hattowen this year! Now that the event is over, I have a few reminders and updates!

- The hattowen shop will be closing on Thursday November 4th ~11:59 pm. Spend your EC before the shop closes, as all EC remaining onsite will be wiped and deleted on the 5th

- If you completed 2 hattowen prompts (even if its just 2x mothmin prompts) you are eligable to claim the hattowen badge! If you never claimed it during the event, submit a general claim linking two of your hattowen prompts and say you're claiming the badge!

- Y'all may have some leftover Mothmin lanterns from hattowen, but these won't rot in your inventory! They can all be resold for 5 RC! They are NOT sellable for EC.

- Irribask MYO drops are still planned for november and the coming months! Stay tuned!

If you have any questions regarding Hattowen or the end of the event, drop a comment or ask in the discord #help chat!

Candy Hunt

Posted 2 years ago :: Last edited 2 years ago by Handhelld

Treat Bag Candy HUNT Treat Bag

Candy hunt is a site wide scavenger hunt, much like the one that occurred during Eggster! These candy hunts will last 24 hrs and will take place on the dates seen on the Hattowen calender. To participate, all you need to do is look around onsite for Treat bags! They can be hidden on any page, EXCEPT for member profiles, Masterlist entries, or things like submissions. This means places like the Encyclopedia, Shops, prompts, etc are all valid hiding spots!

Once you find a treat bag, click on it and it will be put in your inventory where you can open it up for a reward! These treat bags are unlimited and ARE NOT first come first serve. We will ask that during the hunts, please do not tell others in public channels where the treat bags are! You are absolutely free to Dm other members to discuss, give hints, or even just share locations privately if thats your thing. 


Candy Hunt #1

Candy Hunt #1 ended at 10:30AM EST October 8th!
If you were curious, here's where the bags were hidden!
Hattowen update #2 news post
Familiar shop
Maple Snort
Tricks & Treats Prompt
Spider potion Recipe encyclopedia entry!

Click here to check your Candy hunt #1 progress!

Candy Hunt #2

Candy Hunt #2 ended at 10:30AM EST October 13th!
If you were curious, here's where the bags were hidden!
Hatchling guide - Hidden under a spoiler tag
Event currency enyclopedia entry
MYO Help guide
Snacktime prompt
The "---" divider species

Click here to see your candy hunt #2 progress

Candy Hunt #3

Candy hunt #3 starts NOW and ends at 11AM EST October 21st
If you were curious, here's where the bags were hidden!
Gifts for chumbus prompt
Hattowen Gallery
Sleeper Mantaby
Handhelld's profile
Hattowen 2020 news post

Click here to see your candy hunt #3 Progress

Candy Hunt #4

Candy hunt #4 starts NOW and ends at 1PM EST October 29th
If you were curious, here's where the bags were hidden!
Event rarity encylopedia page
Trabble Teeth trait
Ghost Costume
This news page

Click here to see your candy hunt #4 Progress


Most things onsite, including these candy hunts, are done completely manually. All bags are hidden and removed by hand. This means after the hunt ends, the candy bags may stay onsite for a period of time. Additionally, Candy hunts will NOT have a set start time. Announcements will be made onsite and on discord when they begin.

Hallogrove 2021 Raffle winners + small update

Posted 2 years ago :: Last edited 2 years ago by Handhelld

Thank you all for participating in the hallogrove 2021 raffle!
We had 50 whole entries this year, but only five winners...

Chocolatespyro - Grand Mantabu Prize!
TroubledFox - Chimera potion
HimejoshiHeart - Wereform potion
monkfishlover - Spider Potion
AcuteExposure - 30 EC

Thank y'all so much for entering! 

Additionally, I would like to make a small announcement for any Non-discord users who missed it!
The Candy hunt that was supposed to happen on tuesday was moved to Thursday! So look out for that announcement tomorrow!

Hattowen is coming to a close in just 5 days, so get your final prompts in and grab those items!
EC->TC conversions have also been added to the hattowen shop

New Species - Irribask

Posted 2 years ago :: Last edited 2 years ago by Handhelld


Dear citizens of ranebo,

The number of rifts has increased exponentially and a number of strange and potentially dangerous creatures have emerged.
 Additionally, suspicious substance reacts aggressively when taken near a rift and becomes one of these creatures.

Effective immediately, we are sharing information that has been collected so far on this species to the public.

Take care.

W̵̼̿Ẹ̵̕'̸̹̉R̷̉ͅÊ̷͕ ̴̫̐Ȟ̶̢E̸̥͌R̷̙̈E̶̝͐!̶̻͠

Irribask is a NEW, PLAYABLE species!

Read all about irribask HERE
Please read all info on that page and its FAQ before asking any questions!
(Comment on this news post or in the discord #help channel with questions)

Irribask MYOS are currently available in the cash shop unlimited for the rest of october
A limited amount are in the MYO shop for RC also and there will be more RC myo drops in october.

Your Suspicious substance item will become an openable box that gives you an iota MYO and the Ichor pet.

Most of the weekly adopts for the rest of October will be irribask so sign up here to get early claim access! 

Hattowen Update #2

Posted 2 years ago :: Last edited 2 years ago by Handhelld
362-image.pngHattowen Update #1Treat Bag


It's the sixth day of hattowen meaning we've got a few new GHOSTLY items for y'all!

With this update we bring New items, New crafting recipes, New familiars, and Info on the "Candy Hunt"!


Candy hunt is a site wide scavenger hunt, much like the one that occurred during Eggster! These candy hunts will last 24 hrs and will take place on the dates seen on the Hattowen calender. To participate, all you need to do is look around onsite for Treat bags! They can be hidden on any page, EXCEPT for member profiles, Masterlist entries, or things like submissions. This means places like the Encyclopedia, Shops, prompts, etc are all valid hiding spots!

Once you find a treat bag, click on it and it will be put in your inventory where you can open it up for a reward! These treat bags are unlimited and ARE NOT first come first serve. We will ask that during the hunts, please do not tell others in public channels where the treat bags are! You are absolutely free to Dm other members to discuss, give hints, or even just share locations privately if thats your thing. 


If you submited an RRA application, be sure to check the link provided! The password will activate around 12am EST!
Lost your password? You can find it in your submission logs here!

Familiar bonus

We realised that while announcing hattowen, we forgot to remind y'all about the Event Familiar Bonus!
During events, you can include any of the event's EVENT FAMILIARS to claim EC! You can include up to 10 of these familiars in your art, even if you dont own them!
This stacks with your owned familairs, so if you own 5 ghoworms, you can draw 15 to claim EC on!
Please be courteous to the mods though, submissions with 20+ familairs may take extra time to process!


Quite a lot was added, so here's a brief rundown of all the spoooooky new items! Give them a click to see their encyclopedia entry!

Trait Spells
Chimera Potion
- Mini Imp Spell

-Pumpkin golem (White and orange)
- Whoo 
- Maple Snort :)
- Albino Mothmin

Maple Snort and Whoo have been added to the Familiar shop for the rest of Auter! (Oct-Nov)

Collectable Accessories
- Cozy Sweater
- Jack O Lantern Helmet
- Ghost Costume

Crafting Recipes
- Cozy Sweater
- Ghost Costume
- Jack O Lantern Potion
- Jack O Lantern Helmet
- Living Candle Potion
- Pumpkin Golem
- Spider Potion
- Tinted Lantern


Hattowen Update #1

Posted 2 years ago :: Last edited 2 years ago by Handhelld
Jack-O-Lantern PotionHattowen Update #1


Its the 3rd of October and we've got our first wave of hattowen updates for yall!

First things first, we've decided that (atleast for this Hattowen) we will not be using Event Energy! It was a bit confusing during Sunnyfest, so if all goes well, we may be removing it in its entirety!
(If you have any Event energy left over from sunnyfest, send a message in the discord #help channel and a mod can get that converted to normal enegry for you! If you're not a member of our discord, Submit a general claim and ask to have it transferred!)

Secondly, the Hallogrove explore token has been released in the DIY + EXPLORE shop!
The Hallogrove Explore Token drops 3 hattowen exclusive crafting materials and a chance at a random hattowen familiar!
The recipes you can use these materials in will be dropped on the 6th. These recipes will include 3 new collectable accessories, one new familiar, three potions, and a recipe for the Mothmin Lantern!

The hattowen Cash shop will also be released on the 6th as well, containing all the hattowen items in the EC shop as well as some new ones and ones you may find missing!

Lastyly, we have a small note from the RRA for yall!

Dear R.R.A. applicants,

It has come to our attention that there has been a sli೧ູఠీੂ ඊູཀ ꐑght mix up with the dates sent out in your acceptance letters.

We sincerely apologise for any confusion caused by this. The proper date wఠీੂ೧ູ࿃ूੂ will be Wednesday, October 6, 2021 11:59 PM | in 4 days .

Thank you all for your applications thus far. As an apolog೧ູఠీੂ࿃ूੂyyyy for this mistake, application submissions will remain open until the above time as well.

Best regards,

೧ູ≢)ꐑʅ(Ɵↂↂ. l̡̡̡ ̡͌l̡̡̡ ̴̡ı̴̴̡ ̡̡͡| ̲̲͡ π̲̲͡.̸̸̨ ఠీੂ)༼ू༈೧ູew lifeforms,ଳծູɵੂ≢ↂ. l̡̡̡ ̡͌l̡̡̡ ̴̡.̸̸̨.

-Ranebo Research Alliance

Hattowen Event 2021: Commence!

Posted 2 years ago :: Last edited 2 years ago by marshmu
Jack-O-Lantern Potion HAPPY HATTOWEN!! it's time to get YOUR SPOOK ON!! 


Hello Ranebofam! There's a chill in the Autumn air, the smell of pumpkin spice lattes wafting around, and a shiver runs down your spine... It’s finally here… the event you’ve all been waiting for; it's October and the start of our beloved event, Hattowen!


Click here for all the info on the Hattowen event!

And here for all prompt info!


Ghoworm: PinkGhoworm: Green!Ghoworm: Orange!Ghoworm: Blue!Ghoworm: White!Ghoworm: Purple!

There are a few NEW things this year including updated Ghoworm familar art, art for MORT the Bakiri NPC, and a staggered release schedule for the other exciting things we have planned! (Hattowen familiars? Research drops? Watch this space!)

Plus, keep an eye on your Ranebo inbox if you applied as an RRA intern!


Here’s our release schedule for this event! We'll keep you posted if anything changes!

Don't forget! ALL the weekly adopts will be posted early for SUPPORTERS two full days before and will ALL be halloween themed, so join one of the $10+ membership tiers for that and other goodies if you don't want to miss out!

Hattowen event 2021 release calender

MAKE SURE you clear your browser's cache in order to see the new art here on!


ᴛʀ̶ɪ̸ᴄ̷*̡̡ᴋ̸ ̸ ᴏ̴ʀ̸ ̵ ᴛᴴʀ̸ᴇ̷ᴀ̷ᴛ̷ ?

೧ູ≢)ꐑʅ(Ɵↂↂ. l̡̡̡ ̡͌l̡*̡̡ ̴̡ı̴̴̡ ̡̡͡| ̲̲͡ π̲̲͡͡.̸̸̨̨ ఠీੂ)༼ू༈೧ູew lifeforms,ଳծູɵੂ≢ↂ. l̡̡̡ ̡͌l̡*̡̡ ̴̡.̸̸̨̨. 
✧✧✧✧l̡̡̡ ̡͌l̡*̡̡unknown wheı̴̴̡th ̡̡͡| ̲̲͡ π✧ ✧ළඕั࿃ूੂ࿃ूੂ   .l̡̡̡ ̡͌l̡ *̡̡ ̴̡ı̴̴̡ ̡̡͡| ̲̲͡ π̲̲͡͡.̸̸̨̨









This event starts October 1st and ends October 31st, 11:59Pm EST.

Weekly Roundup #13

Posted 2 years ago :: Last edited 2 years ago by Joyful

choccy.... milk....?

You recieve an official-looking letter in the mail. Strangely, parts of the letter seem to be corrupted, despite being analog. The letter reads:

Dear Citizen,

Due to the recent disturbances and unusual sightings across Ranebo, The Ranebo Research Alliance (R.R.A) needs your help and is s೧ູ࿃earching for interns of any species to take part in field research in your local area and beyond. There may be risks associated with೧ູ࿃ू the position, which i n c  lude  ఠీੂ೧ູ࿃ूੂ, bodily harm, missin g ೧ູl imb࿃ूੂSs, smoki ೧࿃ूੂng , ༽u̴͙͈͊́u̵̺͎̺̾̃͜bl ̷̨͊̍̑͝s̴̹̦͉̮͑ͅj̶̦̦͐s̶̝͚̖͐̎̍͒)ྀ◞ [೧ູఠీੂ ඊູཀ ꐑ​(​ʅ͡͡͡͡͡͡͡͡͡͡͡​(​ƟӨ​)​ʃ͡͡͡͡͡͡͡͡͡͡ text illegible]

Should your application be successful, on October 1st you will receive a letter with your assignment and contact information for your assigned Field leader. This letter may contain sensitive information that must not be shared with others.

Please fill out this brief application and return to೧ູఠీੂʃ͡͡͡͡͡͡͡͡͡͡y by the second of October.

Click here to read the full prompt info.

Hattowen will commence on the first of October, 2021. Please be prepared. 

Sticks and rocks have been removed from the explore shop, bug nets have taken their place.

W̔̌͒E̊͋͊ ̘͂̃A̓̎̂Ȓ̈́͝E͐͊͘ ͇̋C̣͛O͆̍̚M͑͘͡I͒͆̇N͆̅͘G̜̈́ ͔̑

Hope to see you there.


Weekly Roundup #12

Posted 2 years ago :: Last edited 2 years ago by Joyful



There's not much to announce for this week, however we do have one announcement!

The legendary shop is now opened!

This will remain open for the next week, and will close next Sunday, August 29th at 6PM EST! Be sure to grab your items before the shop closes!