Site Sales
[Open] Chumbus Mod Adopts 2024
Posted 2 months ago :: Last edited 2 months ago by izzy
OTA: Mbu-357 ・ [Closed]
Mantabu ・ Legendary
Offer Here
Raffle: Bok-083 ・ [Closed]
Bokkudo ・ Common
Enter Here
Flatsale: Bak-046 ・ [Closed]
Bakiri ・ Legendary
Price: $25
Claim Here
price is in EC or RC
welcome to the mod adopts for chumbus 2023!
We've got a smaller batch of different Ranebopets for you folks! These were made by izzy and SeventhBard!
All adopts are being sold for in-game currency! Please ignore any $ present.
Also note that EC is non-transferrable so any offers that have EC will be handled on our end!
Izzy's auction design has a starting bid of 45 EC/RC with a minimum increment of 5 EC/RC!
Please specify if you are mixing currencies in your bid.
The auction will end 48 hours after the last bid with a 1 hour snipe guard!
Offer here for Irri-119
For Izzy's flatsale it's 25 RC/EC, reply here to claim Bak-046
For SeventhBard's OTA design, they are looking for art! Offer here for Mbu-357
And finally, we have a free raffle going on for Bok-083! Enter here for this raffle
[Closed] Hattowen Mod Adopts - 2024
Posted 4 months ago :: Last edited 3 months ago by izzyHello and welcome all!
This month's designs are brought to you by izzy, NaviLovesYou and AlphaDargon!
All adopts are being sold in on-site currency! Please ignore any $ signs present.
Flatsale Info
Flatsale is going for 45 EC, reply HERE to claim Irri-118
Flatsale is going for 35 EC, reply HERE to claim Bak-073
Auction Info
Starting bid: 20 RC/EC (Please specify if mixing currencies in your comment)
Min increase: 5 RC/EC
Autobuy: N/A
Auction ends 24 hours after bidding stops, with a 1 hour snipe guard.
Please place your bids HERE for Irri-116 . Reply to the current highest bidder!
OTA Info
Izzybee's OTA you canadd on potions, spells, site items, art, and Ranebopet characters to your offer with art/OCs/premade ranebos > site items > RC/EC being prioritized in that order! Please comment HERE
[Closed] Hattowen Mod Adopts - Movie Monsters
Posted 1 year ago :: Last edited 4 months ago by izzy
Flatsale: Bet-036 ・ [Closed]
Bettabo ・ Event
Price: $25
OTA: Mbu-129 ・ [Closed]
Mantabu ・ Common
Hello and welcome all!
This month's designs are brought to you by @izzybee and SeventhBard !
All adopts are being sold in on-site currency! Please ignore any $ signs present.
Flatsale Info
Flatsale is going for 25 EC, reply HERE to claim Sug-102 or HERE for Bet-036
Auction Info
Starting bid: 45 RC/EC (Please specify if mixing currencies in your comment)
Min increase: 5 RC/EC
Autobuy: N/A
Auction ends 24 hours after bidding stops, with a 1 hour snipe guard.
Please place your bids HERE for Cap-123 . Reply to the current highest bidder!
OTA Info
Izzybee's OTA designs has a minimum offer of 20 EC and/or RC, with the option to add on potions, spells, site items, art, and Ranebopet characters to your offer with art > site items > RC/EC being prioritized in that order! Please comment HERE to offer on Irri-039 or HERE to offer on Mbu-129
SeventhBard's OTA design has a minimum offer of 35 EC and/or RC, with the option to add on potions, spells, pets ect. Please comment HERE to offer on Bak-050
[Closed] June Mod Adopts
Posted 9 months ago :: Last edited 9 months ago by izzy
Flatsale: Irri-074 ・ [Closed]
Irribask ・ Enchanted
Price: $40
Claim Here
price is in RC
We've got a small batch of a few different Ranebopets for you folks! These were made by @izzybee
All adopts are being sold for in-game currency! Please ignore any $ present.
Izzybee's flatsale designs are going for 40 RC!
The auction design has a starting bid of 30 RC with a minimum increment of 5 RC!
Please specify if you are mixing currencies in your bid.
The auction will end 48 hours after the last bid with a 1 hour snipe guard!
[Closed] Eggster Adopts
Posted 10 months ago :: Last edited 10 months ago by izzywelcome to the mod adopts for eggster 2024!
We've got a small batch of a few different Ranebopets for you folks! These were made by @izzybee
All adopts are being sold for in-game currency! Please ignore any $ present.
Also note that EC is non-transferrable so any offers that have EC will be handled on our end!
Izzybee's flatsale designs are going for 40 EC and/or 40 RC!
Izzybee's auction design has a starting bid of 30 EC/RC with a minimum increment of 5 EC/RC!
Please specify if you are mixing currencies in your bid.
The auction will end 48 hours after the last bid with a 1 hour snipe guard!
For izzybee's OTA design, they are looking for, in the following priorities, art > Ranebopet characters > Ranebopets currency/items!
Reply here to offer for Djn-076
Reply here to offer for Djn-096
[Open] chumbus 2023 mod adopts
Posted 1 year ago :: Last edited 1 year ago by mothwyrms
OTA: Irri-114 ・ [Closed]
Irribask ・ Common
OTA: Nix-031 ・ [Open]
Nixten ・ Common
welcome to the mod adopts for chumbus 2023!
We've got a hefty batch of 10 different Ranebopets for you folks! These were made by izzybee, mothwyrms, NaviLovesYou, and SeventhBard!
All adopts are being sold for in-game currency! Please ignore any $ present.
Also note that EC is non-transferrable so any offers that have EC will be handled on our end!
Izzybee's flatsale design is going for 30 EC!
Izzybee's auction design has a starting bid of 45 EC/RC with a minimum increment of 5 EC/RC!
Please specify if you are mixing currencies in your bid.
The auction will end 48 hours after the last bid with a 1 hour snipe guard!
For izzybee's OTA design, they are looking for, in the following priorities, art > Ranebopet characters > and Ranebopets currency/items!
For mothwyrms's OTA designs, they are looking for art or Ranebopets currency with a HIGH priority on art!
You will be asked to draw their Ranebopets if offering art!
For SeventhBard's OTA designs, they are looking for art!
Reply here to offer on Djn-073, reply here to offer on Irri-114, reply here to offer on Bun-093, and reply here to offer on Nix-031!
And finally, we have a free raffle going on for Bak-065, a collab adopt between izzybee and NaviLovesYou!
Congrats to WaywardWandering!!
[Closed] Hattowen Hatchie Mod Adopts
Posted 1 year ago :: Last edited 1 year ago by izzy
OTA: Trb-068 ・ [Closed]
Trabble ・ Common
Flatsale: Drp-458 ・ [Closed]
Draphibi ・ Common
Price: $15
Hello and welcome all!
This month's designs are brought to you by izzybee , SeventhBard , and mothwyrms !
All adopts are being sold in on-site currency! Please ignore any $ signs present.
Flatsale Info
SeventhBard's flatsale is going for 15 EC, reply HERE to claim Drp-458
Auction Info
Starting bid: 60 RC/EC (Please specify if mixing currencies in your comment)
Min increase: 5 RC/EC
Autobuy: N/A
Auction ends 24 hours after bidding stops, with a 1 hour snipe guard. There will be a bonus doodle if winning bid gives spider pot, wereform pot, bokku legend spell, or albino mothmin
Please place your bids HERE for Bun-081 and HERE for Bok-260. Reply to the current highest bidder!
OTA Info
Izzybee's OTA designs has a minimum offer of 20 EC and/or RC, with the option to add on potions, spells, site items, art, and Ranebopet characters to your offer with characters > art > RC/EC being prioritized in that order! Please comment HERE to offer on Trb-068 and HERE to offer on Mbu-078
SeventhBard's OTA design has a minimum offer of 15 EC and/or RC, with the option to add on potions, spells, pets ect. Please comment HERE to offer on Cap-103
[Open] Marshmu Eggster Adopts
Posted 1 year ago :: Last edited 1 year ago by marshmuHellooo I'm here with some fresh designs! Hope you all had fun this eggster!
I have two eggster designs plus another design I forgot to post public! (Comment to claim)
DARING DAMSELFLY $100usd flatsale (offbase)
This bunbii is part of the eggster flight show hosted in Buzzdew! Their daring stunts and incredible acrobatics are sure to impress.
Notable Traits-
- R Dragonfly wings & tail
- EC Eyecaps
HERALD OF EGGSTER (offbase) flatsale $260 usd (offbase) SOLD lunebrookrunner
This cheery domini cappari makes their appearance around eggster and helps organise eggster celebrations. The egg at the end of their staff opens up to reveal a prism that can help flowers bloom with a mesmerising rainbow light.
Notable Traits
- Domini Cappari
- UC layered collar
- UC spiky Wings
- R divine instrument
I also have a capip I forgot to post public!
Smores Enjoyer $68usd
[Open] PUBLIC Marble Gatcha: Macula Manor
Posted 2 years ago :: Last edited 2 years ago by marshmuPREVIEW MODE!! Claims & comments will open at 8pm ET/ 20:00 site time
You can post your claim comment without your order (the list of which species/traits etc you're getting) but you will not get a queue number until you post your order list/total (your position in the queue, ie. #3, #5, etc. earlier positions get to swap first and last in line doesn't get to swap) I recommend you pre-write your comment+order list beforehand to copy/paste it in when the gatcha opens.
Hope you're enjoying Hattowen, it's time for another Marble Gatcha! These are semicustoms- Here's how it works!
1. Tell me what you'd like (species+accessory options+trait options) and what your $ total would be. Up to 2 gatcha rolls per person, up to 3 trait tabs, and pick 1 accessory option. (if you already got some from the ko fi wave you ca still get some from this wave!)
2. I will send you a paypal link to pay!
3. Once paid I will show you the marble you got. You can swap ONCE with something in the swap centre. You don't have to swap immediately, but know that others will be swapping also. Swaps available until the last marble.
4. Once you’ve confirmed your marble, it's locked in! Completion time is 1-3 weeks as these are made to order. When finished you’ll get the fullres PNG and the masterlist entry! SPECIES GATCHA ROLLS
These are the species available. All prices in USD via paypal! No payment plans.

Trait tabs give a random trait from the level you picked from the species' trait list, or the universal trait list for enchanted/legend level. You can request one to omit from the tier you picked (ie if you don't like the look of a certain trait)
You can also use cash-bought traits from your inventory (but not ones that were obtained with tc/ec)
level 1 tab - $4 random uncommon trait
level 2 - $9 random rare trait
level 3 - $18 random enchanted trait, AND 2 random users per wave with this tab will get a legend trait

This gatcha comes with options for Hattowen costume accessories! You can apply any accessory on the list to any species, for irribask it comes with the correct trait (ie raiment) You will be provided an image file with and wthout the accessory.
none - $0
standard - $5 list of the standard accessories:
witch hat
dracula's cape
captain's hat
skull mask
frog hat (like this)
mini customize - +$12 customise the standard accessory's lines (ie standard witch hat -> witch hat with a ragged edge/patches/rope around centre. frog hat->bear hat)
extra customize +$30 totally custom accessory, can be different from the standard accessory, (ie. hat->cape) PLUS one small extra ie. potion belt etc
[Open] Marble Gatcha tomorrow: public wave info
Posted 2 years ago :: Last edited 2 years ago by marshmuThe public release of the marble gatcha is tomorrow!
21st Oct
18:00 site time/6pm ET - Marbles & bases revealed onsite in sales post
20:00 site time/8pm ET - Claims open & rolls happen onsite in sales post
claim up to 2 marbles per person - supporters can still claim in this round!
Good luck! Here were the early claim ko-fi wave marbles, all claimed except slime and autumn noon will be in the public wave!