Prompt Categories
Major Event Prompts
Current event: None
Limited time
Limited time prompts! They can only be done during a certain timeframe, and may not come back again!
- Seasonal prompts
- Monthly Prompts
- Comminuity Speed Prompts
Challenge prompts
Challenge yourself with a range of fun art & writing prompts.
Casual Prompts
Take a break and have some fun with these silly prompts!
Hatchling Prompts
Just for hatchlings!
Familiar Prompts
Familiar prompts allow you to earn a familiar by doing prompts. You can also buy familiars in the shops.
Affinity Quests
Affinity quests grant your character special elemental powers and features. These quests contains four prompts—in order to complete the quest, you must create a response for each prompt, four pieces in total, that tell a story together.
Discovery Prompts
These prompts are used to upgrade your ranebopets!
8 results found.