Prompt Categories

<a href=" Event Prompts" class="display-category">Major Event Prompts</a>

Major Event Prompts

Current event:  None


<a href=" time" class="display-category">Limited time</a>

Limited time

Limited time prompts! They can only be done during a certain timeframe, and may not come back again! 


  • Seasonal prompts
  • Monthly Prompts
  • Comminuity Speed Prompts
<a href=" prompts" class="display-category">Challenge prompts</a>

Challenge prompts

Challenge yourself with a range of fun art & writing prompts.

<a href=" Prompts" class="display-category">Casual Prompts</a>

Casual Prompts

Take a break and have some fun with these silly prompts!

<a href=" Prompts" class="display-category">Hatchling Prompts</a>

Hatchling Prompts

Just for hatchlings!

<a href=" Prompts" class="display-category">Familiar Prompts</a>

Familiar Prompts

Familiar prompts allow you to earn a familiar by doing prompts. You can also buy familiars in the shops.

<a href=" Quests" class="display-category">Affinity Quests</a>

Affinity Quests

Affinity quests grant your character special elemental powers and features. These quests contains four prompts—in order to complete the quest, you must create a response for each prompt, four pieces in total, that tell a story together.

<a href=" Prompts" class="display-category">Discovery Prompts</a>

Discovery Prompts

These prompts are used to upgrade your ranebopets!

8 results found.