Site News


Posted 1 year ago :: Last edited 1 year ago by marshmu



Welcome to the drop of this year's Hattowen celebration!!!
We've got some great new stuff for this drop, including some new familiars, and ever a fun new prompt courtesy of our brilliant moderator @/seventhbard, so check them out come the drop on october 5th!




As always, we have a fun new event themed travel token for your hard earned energy, too! Say hello to the Macula's Manor token, and the returning Hallogrove token!

Both found in the crafting and exploring shop!


And don't forget to get your hands on some new SPOOKY variants of old friends...


Or even get to know some new ones too!


our Hattowen Schedule is as shown below!

Hattowen 2022 Calender

Sunnyfest 2022 Wrap-up!

Posted 1 year ago :: Last edited 1 year ago by Joyful

Hello all! 

Thank you all so much for participating in this year's sunnyfest! The sand castle contest prompt's prizes have been rolled, and you can find the winners HERE!

Just a friendly reminder to get any EC spent or converted with RC converters (found in the Sunnyfest Shop) before the end of the 5th of august! All EC not spent or converted by the end of this date will be wiped from the site! 

We look forward to seeing you for more events in the future!

Quick Sunnyfest Update!

Posted 2 years ago :: Last edited 2 years ago by AlphaDargon

Back so soon, but coming at you with a fun new update!



First on the list, our new sunnyfest event travel tokens are now live!

Jump on into the ocean, or explore the sunny beaches with our new event tokens for Deep Sea and Tarza!


Buy them using your well saved daily energy here in the Craft and Explore Shop!

Within the deep sea also comes forth!


A new crafting ingredient, Flotsam! Used in the crafting recipies of the Leviathan Potion and the new craftable Mini Shark Spell, dive on in to collect some of this new material!

Make sure to stop by the recipe section of the Craft and Explore shop or the event shop, you might find some other new recipes to snap up and add to your collection!

ALSO, Welcome our newest familiar lines, the chompi and srimp!


88-image.png          91-image.png       89-image.png


You can find our rough and tumble little Chompi friends from exploring in the Tarza explore tokens, with the red/yellow varients being more common, and the rare and elusive GOLDEN Chompi being a rare 1% drop for those lucky enough to find them.

The blue Srimp, however, is well adapted to life within the deep sea, and can be a reward from the Deep Sea tokens! Some even say that the pink Srimp varient can be found when hunting for Ubras using an Ubra Trap, where there is a 9% chance you'll find one instead of your usual Ubra!

PLUS.... there seems to be a new varient of our old friend the Hermyte around in the Sunnyfest event shop, so don't forget to drop buy and snag one of these little snippers!


Happy Sunnyfest PARTYing everyone!


Posted 2 years ago :: Last edited 2 years ago by AlphaDargon
Sunnyfest Banner

✦ Welcome to Sunnyfest! ✦

Sunnyfest 2022!  Returning from the Irre desert, we're now back in full force within the beaches of the Southern Isles for a massive ocean side party palooza!

Complete Prompts


This event has seven prompts to complete! Will you catch some familiars, send a post card home, or maybe join the fight against the kaiju invasion?

After completing 2 Sunnyfest prompts, remember to claim the sunnyfest badge!

View the prompts!


Explore + Craft


With this event, comes two new places for you to explore with two new event tokens, Tarza and Deep Sea, brought from the Explore Shop using energy!


Collect Your Daily Energy!




Using the EC you gain from your event prompt completions, head on over to the limited time Sunnyfest event shop, filled with event trait spells and potions galore!

Come Explore The Shop!

More Info!

With such a large event, we have some new event mechanics to touch on and refresh your memory on the old ones!

  • Energy: Energy is a type of currency you can claim all year round, but comes in handy especially during events! Here is a run down of what energy can be used for during Sunnyfest!
    • Purchasing limited time travel tokens: For the duration of the event, two new travel tokens will be implimented featuring new crafting items, dropping soon. [ Buy them here!
      • Travel tokens that are obtainable year round (Adriff, Honeycrest, and Karramesh) are still purchasable too! 
    • Crafting: Recipes for the event use energy as an ingredient!  Recipies are purchasable from the Sunnyfest event shop for EC, and require both crafting ingredients and energy, so check what tokens might drop the ingredients you would need!
  • Event Currency Refresher:
    • Event currency (EC) is only obtainable from completing the Sunnyfest prompts during the event! These prompts do not award TC, but only EC!
    • EC is not tradable between users. You must earn your own EC during the event!
    • At the end of the event, you will have to either spend your EC or convert it to TC before the shop closes! Any remaining EC will be wiped your bank! (The shop will close on August 5th 11:59pm)

Eggster 2022 Wrap-up + Guest Artist Design Reveal!

Posted 2 years ago :: Last edited 2 years ago by Joyful

Eggster Logo


Thank you all so much for this year's participation in Eggster! To wrap this up, we've got the Eggster egg guest artist reveals all lined up for you!

Guest Artist Reveal

And a link to both images separated from one another in higher quality can be found here!

As a final note for Eggster, The EC Shop will be closing on Thursday, May 5th at 11:59:59 PM EDT! Please be sure to get all your EC spent or converted to RC BEFORE this t ime, as ALL EC will be wiped from the site after the shop closes!

We hope to see you all for Sunnyfest!

Painted FlixiePainted GrobbyPainted Pleep

Eggster 2022 Egg Hunt Week 4!

Posted 2 years ago :: Last edited 2 years ago by Joyful

Eggster Logo

Peek at ueggeggeggeggegg290-image.pngegg

This weeks egg hunt is now up! It will remain up until tomorrow at 5PM EST, so 24 hours from now!

Eggs can be hidden anywhere on the site, except for Masterlist entries, individual gallery images, and Member's user profiles! You are free to discuss egg locations privately, but do not give hints or publicly disclose locations!

To view this scavenger hunt and see your progress, click here:

This week's hints: 

Egg 1
There sure is a lot of helpful answers in this guide!

Egg 2
Hatchlings sure can be naughty, huh?

Egg 3
You'll need a bug net to catch this bubble butt... I mean, bug!

Egg 4
There seems to be  a very sunny looking mantanix on this post...

Egg 5
What are these funky fusion critters, anyway?

And same as last week, there's a hidden meme egg lurking about! If you happen to find an egg with a crack in it, it might just be Chester playing pranks....

Peek at ueggeggeggeggegg290-image.pngegg

Eggster Update!

Posted 2 years ago :: Last edited 2 years ago by Joyful
Howdy hey!
EC to RC Converters are now in the eggster shop! The shop will remain opened until the 5th of May, so be sure to get your EC used up before then! We will be wiping EC from user's inventory after the shops are closed!
Also, EC Capsules are now available in the cash shop, and will be until the 1st!
The seasonal shop will be closing on the 1st of May, so be sure to get your seasonal items before they're gone!

Eggster 2022 Egg Hunt Week 3!

Posted 2 years ago :: Last edited 2 years ago by Joyful

Eggster Logo

Peek at ueggeggeggeggegg290-image.pngegg

This weeks egg hunt is now up! It will remain up until tomorrow at 12PM EST, so 24 hours from now!

Eggs can be hidden anywhere on the site, except for Masterlist entries, individual gallery images, and Member's user profiles! You are free to discuss egg locations privately, but do not give hints or publicly disclose locations!

To view this scavenger hunt and see your progress, click here:

This week's hints: 

Egg 1
I wonder what my ranebopet and their best friend get up to?

Egg 2
Wow, I can't believe we've been doing news posts since 2020...

Egg 3
This really needs to be deleted at some point.

Egg 4
This trait seems to make a ranebopet look like... a plush...?

Egg 5
Welcome new members! This guide's for you!

And same as last week, there's a hidden meme egg lurking about! If you happen to find an egg with a crack in it, it might just be Chester playing pranks....

Peek at ueggeggeggeggegg290-image.pngegg

Eggster 2022 Egg Hunt Week 2!

Posted 2 years ago :: Last edited 2 years ago by AlphaDargon

Eggster Logo

Peek at ueggeggeggeggegg290-image.pngegg

This weeks egg hunt is now up! It will remain up until tomorrow at 12PM EST, so 24 hours from now!

Eggs can be hidden anywhere on the site, except for Masterlist entries, individual gallery images, and Member's user profiles! You are free to discuss egg locations privately, but do not give hints or publicly disclose locations!

To view this scavenger hunt and see your progress, click here:

I've got some hints for you up front this time!

Egg 1
you should read these before signing up for the site!

Egg 2
Is that a bee? or a spider.... Both? Both is good

Egg 3
You can only use a special currency here.

Egg 4
Bokkudo sure do make a lot of these! Almost everyone has at least one

Egg 5
It seems to be getting a little frosty in here...

And same as last week, there's a hidden meme egg lurking about! If you happen to find an egg with a crack in it, it might just be Chester playing pranks....

Peek at ueggeggeggeggegg290-image.pngegg

Pouflon Items to be Deleted

Posted 2 years ago :: Last edited 2 years ago by StardustMinka

Hello Everyone!

When we split with Pouflons there were a few items left behind on here. We kept them up for a while to let them be transferred to the pouflon site. However, transfers officially ended Feb 1st, 2021. We will be removing these items from the site in two weeks, final day is 4/19/2022.

You can use the “sell” function on a Pouflon item to sell it for a set amount of RC. This has to be done within the two week period - as any that are left after that will be removed manually from inventories so we can delete these items.

Thank you!!


Just for further clarification - No USD refunds will be given. You can get RC for pouflon items for the next two weeks, but after that the items will be deleted.