Site News

egg hunt 3

Posted 1 year ago :: Last edited 1 year ago by mothwyrms

egg hunt 3

Hellohello folks! Welcome to Egg Hunt #3, the final Egg Hunt!

The hunts last 24 hours so make sure to get the eggs before time runs out!

If you are new to this, eggs (any of the ones here) will be scattered around the site that you can click and receive!

egg hunt hints

Egg 1
I think this means my Mantubu is very sleepy?

Egg 2
AHH! I made a mess on my golem!

Egg 3
This Cappari's halo is pretty bright...

Egg 4
This gives me a little plant on my head!

Egg 5
This species is almost alien in nature...

Egg 6
Where can I read about background guidelines?

Egg 7
I wonder what Ranebopets is about?

egg drop fixes

Posted 1 year ago :: Last edited 1 year ago by mothwyrms

Hellohello! This is a quick news post to report that the travel tokens for Honeycrest and Floating Islands of Adriff now drop their respective eggs!

- Yellow-speckled and Yellow-blue striped eggs for Honeycrest
- Blue-speckled and Blue-green striped eggs for Floating Islands of Adriff

We apologize for the inconvenience, especially this late into the event! To compensate for this fix, feel free to send in a claim with a note regarding this fix and we'll give 10 travel tokens for both Honeycrest and Adriff!

We will stop accepting claims after April 22nd

egg hunt 2

Posted 1 year ago :: Last edited 1 year ago by mothwyrms

egg hunt 2

Hellohello folks! Welcome to Egg Hunt #2!

The hunts last 24 hours so make sure to get the eggs before time runs out!

If you are new to this, eggs (any of the ones here) will be scattered around the site that you can click and receive!

egg hunt hints

Egg 1
Drinking this caused me to start producing paint!

Egg 2
How do I craft again?

Egg 3
Found this egg among other Painted Eggs!

Egg 4
This familiar seems to be made out of a sweet substance...

Egg 5
Woah! I can see through your body!

Egg 6
A special type of Bokku token used to purchase goods!

egg hunt 1 hints

Posted 1 year ago :: Last edited 1 year ago by mothwyrms

egg hunt 1 hints

Hellohello folks! This is a quick little news post to give hints for the current egg hunt!

As of posting this, there will be 5 hours left to find the eggs for this hunt!

If you are new to this, eggs (any of the ones here) will be scattered around the site that you can click and receive!

egg hunt hints

Egg 1
Where can I go to buy recipes?

Egg 2
A species that is specific to baby Bokku, Trabble, Bettabo, and Draphibi

Egg 3
I want to make a little garland that decorates my head!

Egg 4
I heard there's an event happening right now. Wonder where I can read about it...

Egg 5
Speaking of the event happening, I wonder where I can see other Ranebopets celebrating it?

Due to the nature of how late this announcement was, there will be more eggs to find in the following hunts!


Eggster 2023!!

Posted 1 year ago :: Last edited 1 year ago by AlphaDargon

Happy eggster, everyone!




It is time for the festival of eggs!

Welcome to Eggster everybody! The season of Sprig (yes, Sprig, not Spring) is upon us, and with that comes a our festive celebrations of new growth, candy, and mischief!

Prompts for EC (event currency) will be made available today at 7am site time, and will be live all the way through to May 1st at 11:59pm, with lots of fun little things planned for the event from our staff.

The event shop will continue to stay open after prompts close till May 5th 11:59pm site time, so make sure to spend your hard earned EC before the cut off date!




Below is our eggster event calender, check out our plans!


Check out our event prompts, spend some EC at our event shop, open up some event travel tokens and eggster eggs, and have some fun!

Have a wonderful April / May, everyone!


Tooshie Takeover!

Posted 1 year ago :: Last edited 1 year ago by AlphaDargon

My word, they're everywhere!


It's that time of year again, folks! The Tooshies are back for one day of mayhem, and one day only! For the entirity of April 1st (EST, site time), these little crazy critters will be availible for purchase from their vandilised version of the familiar shop!

Be quick, these little guys won't be around for long! Come April 1st 11:59pm, they'll be gone till next year!

Get your own butt wiggling buddies now!

Click here!


A bunch of Tooshies, familiars, in all different colours, racing across the screen. Text above them reads: Introducing... Tooshi!

Temporary Cloventines Shop open!

Posted 1 year ago :: Last edited 1 year ago by mothwyrms

good day to all of you folks!

This is a bit of a smaller announcement! We will most likely not be holding a formal Cloventine's this year, unfortunately, but we still have a shop set up so you can buy items that would normally be available during the event!

check out the cloventine's mini shop here!


We actually have some potentially big changes happening behind the scenes so we've been busy discussing those and dealing with IRL stuff! We'll be sure to have an announcement if anything major, other than major events, take place!

Thank you for your patience!

Halcidays 2023

Posted 1 year ago :: Last edited 1 year ago by mothwyrms

259-image.pnggood day and happy halcidays!259-image.png

Welcome to Halcidays! What started as a holiday for Cappari to celebrate Halcyon became a Ranebo-wide event to celebrate love in all its forms.
Here’s what you can do during this month….


We have 4 Halcidays prompts for you to do and get the Halcidays badge from!

Check out the Halcidays prompts here! (You'll have to scroll down for the other 2.)

Doing the Halcidays prompts will award you the Halcidays badge which allows you to access the Halcidays shop here!
The Halcidays shop has a couple of familiars, trait items, and baby MYOs that are not available in the standard MYO shop!

One of our Halcidays prompts has a raffle associated with it and the raffle allows the chance to win the following awards:
- Grubii MYO
- Capip MYO
- Buppy MYO
- Angel Wings Spell
- 30 RC

- The Capip below!

UPDATE: We've extended the event by another week! Halcidays will end March 8th and the shop will close on the 12th.

THE RAFFLE HAS BEEN PULLED!! Congrats to our winners: Daffodil_Vanity, TenshiiMisha, Dicti-tm, gannetking, Zombugz, and Ringo-Zebra! The winners will be contacted in the order of the pulls! Thanks so much for participating in this year's Halcidays! <3

The awards have been sent out, but please let staff know if you have not received them!

We apologize for our delay in getting this announcement out and hope this doesn't hinder your chance to participate in our mini Halcidays event!

12 Days of Chumbus Scavenger Hunt

Posted 1 year ago :: Last edited 1 year ago by izzy

good day and happy holidays once again!

did you hear? some of the great chumbus's friends have gone and hidden some gifts for you to find!
Welcome to this year's Chumbus surprise!

We will be hosting a scavenger hunt that will begin tomorrow (December 19th)!

However, unlike our previous scavenger hunts, this one will run a little differently!

Every day, for the 12 Days of Chumbus, a new target will be added and hidden throughout the site, but they will not be removed the day after they're added! Instead, the targets will expire when the 12 days are over! This will give folks, who may miss a day because of the holidays, a chance to pick up these scavenger hunt rewards still.

However, this also means you will not be able to pick them up once the 12 days are over (December 31st) even if you find any targets you didn't find before.

The only days exempt from this "12-day" rule are the raffle days! On these days, you will only have 24 hours to find the target which will lead to a secret page that gives instructions on how to get a raffle ticket for that day's raffle. After 24 hours, the raffle will be pulled and folks will no longer be able to get the ticket!

Targets can be hidden on any page, EXCEPT for member profiles, Masterlist entries, or things like submissions. This means places like the Encyclopedia, Shops, prompts, etc are all valid hiding spots! You are free to discuss target locations privately, but do not give hints or publicly disclose locations!

This news post will be updated every day of the 12 days to reflect which day of Chumbus targets have been added to the site! (And other additional info if needed)

Scavenger Hunt Page

Day 2 - OUT!
Day 3 - OUT!
Day 4 - OUT
Day 5 - OUT!
Day 7 - OUT!
Day 8 - OUT!
Day 9 - OUT!
Day 10 - OUT!
Day 11 - OUT!
Day 12 - MOD ADOPTS (no scavenger hunt target for this day!)

Click here for Scavenger Hunt Hints

Day 1 - Wanting to make another friend? You'll need to buy a special item!

Day 2 - I need a little help on how gallery submissions work…

Day 3 - You only get gifts if you’ve been a good Cappari this year!

Day 4 - Where you can go to ask questions outside of the Discord server.

Day 5 - I can be your angle or yuor devil

Day 6 - Look at my bright pink ticket!

Day 7 - I wonder what Ranebopets is about?

Day 8 - How do I craft this Hattowen accessory?

Day 9 - I just got a neat backpack badge! How did this sack get in here…

Day 10 - Looking at these drawings from fun events fill me with joy!

Day 11 - Let’s give some acknowledgments to the people who provide extras for Lorekeeper!

Chumbus 2022!

Posted 1 year ago :: Last edited 1 year ago by mothwyrms

good day and happy holidays everyone!

welcome to this year's chumbus event!


We're going to have another laidback Chumbus event due to some of our staff being busy and dealing with personal things. We would have loved to have a bigger Chumbus event this year but alas life has been troubling for some of our folks recently!! We thank you for your understanding and patience, but nonetheless, we still have some things prepared for you folks to get into the Chumbus mood!

As usual, we have some Chumbus prompts for you to tackle and enjoy!
we also have the chumbus shop open for event exclusive items!

Unfortunately no Chumbus exclusive travel tokens or recipes this year! But who knows? Maybe the Great Chumbus will bless your regular travel tokens this year?

Once you've completed 2 Chumbus prompts, you can also send in a claim for the Chumbus badge!

You may (or may not) have noticed that the event shop items and prompt awards are in RC rather than EC. This is intentional since the event had such a late start, and because we also took into consideration that people tend to be busier this holiday season. We wanted more people to have a chance to be able to purchase the event shop items and not be pressured into drawing for the limited time EC!

Other than the Chumbus prompts and event shop, we have one more thing prepared for our players that will occur later this month!
We'll make another announcement when this is active so stay tuned! ;)