Site News

Giftart reminder

Posted 3 years ago :: Last edited 3 years ago by Handhelld

Due to hattowen we've seen a lot of people adding others' ranebopets to their prompts! We encourage giftart but, please make sure to check a character's giftart status before including them in a prompt, as some users prefer not to have their characters drawn by others! You can check by going to a ranebopet's profile onsite, or by filtering it in the ML's advanced search options. We ask that if a character does not say Yes for giftart that you do not draw them without the owner's permission. 

If you would like to change your character's giftart status, to allow or disallow giftart, see this guide!

Hallogrove Passage

Posted 3 years ago :: Last edited 3 years ago by Handhelld

Hey everyone! This is a reminder that theres only Six days remaining to enter the hallogrove passage raffle

The deadline is October 24th at 11:59PM!
3 winners will get 20EC + a wereform potion and 2 winners will get 10 EC and a Deepsea potion!

Don't forget to submit your entry before its too late!

Invite Codes

Posted 3 years ago :: Last edited 3 years ago by marshmu

Important: to prevent mass/bot account registrations, registrations on now require an invite code!

Anyone can get a code. To get one, you can note the deviantart group and ask for one here: ranebopets deviantart group

Sunnyfest Finish!

Posted 3 years ago :: Last edited 3 years ago by AlphaDargon

Pack up your umbrellas and beach balls, sunnyfest is officially over! 


Thank you all for participating in the event, we hope you had fun in the sun and out treasure seeking, but now it is time to pack up the Sunnyfest fun for the year.

While the prompt submission timeframe of the event is over,  the Sunnyfest EC shop will remain open until the 3rd sept 11:59 PM EST.

After this time frame, the Sunnyfest EC shop will close for the year, and any remaining EC will be converted into regular TC by mods (this may take a few days).

Its time for Sunnyfest!

Posted 4 years ago :: Last edited 3 years ago by AlphaDargon


Welcome to sunnyfest!

 It's the perfect time to go on a summer adventure with your ranebopet - do prompts, race hermyte, fish for ubra, or go on a treasure hunt for the fabled Leviathan Chest! This event starts July 8th and ends August 31th, 12am EST.

To participate in Sunnyfest you must own a full grown ranebopet to do the prompts with! Hatchlings aren't eligible to be the main character in artwork!


Get the Sunnyfest Badge

Do at least 2 Sunnyfest prompts to earn the Sunnyfest badge!

Spend Event Currency

EC is given out for event prompts and activities. Use it to buy event-exclusive items in the EC shop!
[ Click here to visit the shop! ]

Earn Cute new familiars

With the new event, two new familiars have been discovered! 


[ For the full rundown of sunnyfest, click here! ]

Writing Update!

Posted 4 years ago :: Last edited 4 years ago by SeaCrest

Hello! Writing options have been added to General Prompts! Some prompts have writing alternatives, but there are also a handful of new writing-only prompts with new badges (images pending)! We hope you enjoy the additional options for participating, and we can't wait to read your stories!

We have also added writing options for Discovery Prompts!

Please note that anything that does not have writing requirements listed does not accept written entries! 

—The Writing Mods

Allow or disable Gift Art

Posted 4 years ago :: Last edited 4 years ago by marshmu

Some activites on ranebopets encourage gift art!

You can Search for characters that allow gift art  by going to browse > character masterlist, clicking show advanced search options, then switching "gift art status" to "open to gift art"

If you want to allow or disable gift art for your own character....

1. Navigate to your character's page.

2. On the left hand menu, near the bottom, click "edit profile"

3. Turn the Gift Art switch to off or on, and click Edit to save your changes.


Also, you'll need to do this for every character individually- we don't have a bulk edit option as of right now.

Friend exchange claim

Posted 4 years ago :: Last edited 4 years ago by marshmu

Friend exchange submissions are now open!  They'll be submitted under a prompt - to submit your friend exchange [GO HERE]

**Please note friend exchange pieces do not count toward the cloventine's badge**

Score your piece as follows:

- 8EC for just a fullbody character
- add an extra 8EC for including background
- add an extra 1EC for including luckolotl

If you accidentally mis-score your piece, or submit it as a claim instead of a prompt, we will fix it for you so no need to cancel the submission. 

Submissions for all cloventines prompts as well as the friend exchange close on April 14th at 11:59pm EST. Please make sure to get your submissions in before that deadline!

Welcome to Ranebopets!

Posted 4 years ago :: Last edited 4 years ago by marshmu

To get you familiar with the site, here are some helpful links. If you need help, hit us up in the discord chat:


- If you need to migrate your inventory from the old bank, or if you are missing characters, Comment here!
- If you need your hatchling added, request it here!

- If you're looking to purchase items with group currency, Check out the shops Here!
- If you're looking to purchase with USD, Go here!

Here's some guides for navigating the site!

List of mascots


How to approve and grow up your hatchling