Hattowen wrap-up

Posted 3 years ago :: Last edited 3 years ago by Handhelld

Hope y'all had fun for hattowen this year! Now that the event is over, I have a few reminders and updates!

- The hattowen shop will be closing on Thursday November 4th ~11:59 pm. Spend your EC before the shop closes, as all EC remaining onsite will be wiped and deleted on the 5th

- If you completed 2 hattowen prompts (even if its just 2x mothmin prompts) you are eligable to claim the hattowen badge! If you never claimed it during the event, submit a general claim linking two of your hattowen prompts and say you're claiming the badge!

- Y'all may have some leftover Mothmin lanterns from hattowen, but these won't rot in your inventory! They can all be resold for 5 RC! They are NOT sellable for EC.

- Irribask MYO drops are still planned for november and the coming months! Stay tuned!

If you have any questions regarding Hattowen or the end of the event, drop a comment or ask in the discord #help chat!


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