Created: 17 April 2020, 17:07:58 EDT
Last updated: 18 April 2023, 19:10:16 EDT

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Q: How do I change my Username onsite?
Send a note to the Ranebopets dA group, ask in the #help chat in our discord, or ask in the comments below!

Q: I changed My Deviantart/Moved accounts, how do I fix this?
Send a note to the Ranebopets dA group, ask in the #help chat in our discord, or ask in the comments below. We can unlink your current deviantArt account so you can attach your new one. You also re-link your deviantArt account in your account settings under "Aliases".

Q: I was part of the old Tessarium group, how do I get my old stuff back?
Send a note, ask in the discord, or ask in the comments below. We will need your dA name, Ranebopets account name, and links to any hatchlings or Ranebopets you need transferred!

Q: How do I delete my account?
Unfortunately, Lorekeeper (the framework this site runs on) doesn't have an implemented way to delete accounts! The best you can do for now if you want to delete your account is to let us know and Marsh (the owner) will eventually get around to deleting it manually.

prompts and claims

Q: Can we do prompt collabs?
We do not officially recognize collabs! If you do a collab with another artist, all rewards will go to the artist who submitted the claim. It is up to you to divide the rewards amongst yourselves.

Q: For prompts with multiple parts (i.e. affinity quests, dragoon discovery) can some parts be drawn and the others written?
No. We ask that when completing a prompt, the whole prompt is done entirely in literature or entirely in drawing.

Q: Is there a limit to the number of times I can complete a prompt?
Our prompts can be done an infinite number of times.  Some special prompts do have limits, but will say so in their header. Thoroughly read prompt descriptions before starting.

Q: Do my character colors have to be exact when I draw them?
No! The colors don't need to be exact and you have full artistic freedom, so long as we can tell it's your character. You can use limited palettes or color monochromatically if you wish.


Q: Is ____ Event happening this year?
All of our events are subject to change! Some events may be permanently or temporarily retired while new ones are introduced. Please check the announcements onsite and in discord for updates.

Q: Can I do Eggster/Sunnyfest/Hattowen/Chumbus prompts with my hatchling?
Yes! Hatchlings can be used in these prompts.

Q: When do events start and end?
Major events typically start within the first week of the month, and end on the last day of the month! Shops stay open a couple of days after the event ends before EC is wiped and shops close!

Q: Can I do trades for EC/Get EC from other users?
Event currency is user-bound/tradelocked and cannot be traded or transferred between users.

Q: When does the Legendary shop open?
The legendary shop typically opens during the last full week of the month. (Legendary shop is on hiatus until further notice.)

Q: How do I obtain a legendary trait spell?

General legendary trait spells are unobtainable. Keep an eye out for the legendary shop, species-specific legendary spells can appear there! Legendary traits can be purchased on Marshmu customs or through the Special Shop.


Q: Can I accept commissions in exchange for RC?

Q: Are we required to submit art or writing to the DA group or on-site gallery?
No, but we encourage you to do so to share your work with other members!

Q: Can we make pay-to-use or free-to-use bases for Ranebopet species?
You can!

Q: I have a question about my custom, rebase, or adopt purchase!
Please direct all questions about these directly to Marshmu!


Designing + Masterlist


Q: Can my Ranebopet wear clothes?
Yes! Ranebopets can freely wear clothes and accessories with the exception of Cappari.
Cappari require an uncommon trait to have accessories or outfits, but certain small accessories and satchel bags are free. In the lore, their belongings must be Blessed in order to be able to teleport with them.
(See also: Can masterlist art have accessories or clothes?)

Q: Can I share my design before it's approved?
Yes, feel free to share it with your friends or in our discord! If you post it publicly to an art sharing site (Deviantart, Twitter, Instagram, etc) before it is approved, you will need to emphasize that it is an unofficial/unapproved design. Not following these rules may result in a warning. Trading these entries to other users as though they were officially approved Ranebopets is considered scamming and will result in further action. 


Q: Can masterlist art have accessories or clothes?
Masterlist art can have accessories or clothes! However, if they obstruct too much of the base design, you'll need to provide a version without the accessories/clothes.
(See also: "Can my Ranebopet wear clothes?")

Q: How do I allow giftart on my ranebopet?
Go to "Edit profile" on your character's masterlist page. The settings are at the bottom!

Q: My character's rarity is wrong! What do I do?
To fix your character's rarity please send us a message in the discord #help chat or in the comments below.


Q: Can I add traits to my  MYO hatchling?
MYO hatchlings can't have traits, but you can add them when you are growing them up.

Q: Does X hatchling MYO have to follow the 3 color rule?
Yes. All hatchlings made with an MYO must follow the 3 color rule with the exception of Iotas.

Q: Does the mouth/eye/tongue/halo/capip bib count towards the 3 colors?
These parts of the design do not count towards the 3 color max on hatchlings! The 3 color rule only applies to their main body.

Q: Can I draw my adult Ranebopet as a hatchling?
Yes! For any Ranebopet with a hatchling version, you can draw them as a hatchling and use that form in prompts and claims. The hatchling form of an adult can also have any traits the adult form has!

Q: I don't see X hatchling MYO in the shop. How do I get it?
Non-starter hatchlings (Bukki, Capips, Buppies, Sugarkits, Grubiis, Iotas) are only distributed during special events and will never be made available in the RC shop year round! They can be obtained as a rare drop from a Buried Treasure.

Q: Am I able to set up a trade before my hatchling is grown?
Yes! You would either need to have the person you're trading with send RC to you to purchase the growth potions, or purchase a growth potion yourself. Either person is free to design their adult form! You must submit a design update yourself before they'll be marked for trade! 


Q: How do I get a Bunbii subtype/Ascended Cappari/Descended Cappari/Big Bokkudo/Sleeper Mantabu/Batnix?
These subtypes can only be obtained from adoptables, customs, or by purchasing a Subspecies Upgrade from the Special Shop! There are no plans to release these subtypes as MYOs or similar.


Q: How do you get a Hybrid Ranebopet?
Hybrids can only be obtained from Customs and Adoptables. They've been released as marble gatchas during Hattowen (October) and Wish Cave breeds during Halcidays (February).  There are no plans to release hybrid MYOs or similar.

Q: What traits can a hybrid have?
Hybrids can have any traits from either of their parent species! (ie: A Sugarbii can have any Sugarnix or Bunbii traits). If you own a hybrid and would like to add traits, add the appropriate trait spells and list the traits in the "Comments" tab and an admin will manually add the traits.

Q: Can Hybrids be more than two species combined?
No! Hybrids are limited to 2 species.

Q: Can Draphibi hybrids obtain dragoon?
Yes! You will not be able to add the dragoon subtype to the character, but they will be able to transform into a hybrid dragoon! Make sure to include their dragoon form in the ML art.


izzy Avatar
izzy Staff Member
Featured by Owner

Please reply here if you have any questions! <3

2024-03-27 15:22:46 (Edited 2024-03-27 15:22:50)

Opsequor Avatar

Can I please change my username to Opsequor so that my account here matches my DA username?

2024-09-16 19:55:34

izzy Avatar
izzy Staff Member

done and done!

2024-09-18 21:58:50

Foxraggs Avatar

Hello! May I change my username? I don't really connect with it anymore but I'd like to keep my pets.

2023-05-30 23:18:20

izzy Avatar
izzy Staff Member

of course! what would you like your user changed to?

2024-03-27 15:22:26

Foxraggs Avatar

Agh it's been a while! If you're still able to I'd like it to be changed to Stellupine.


2024-06-14 16:40:56

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mothwyrms Avatar
mothwyrms Staff Member

Reply to this comment if you have any other questions!

2022-08-08 22:29:43 (Edited 2024-03-18 14:57:06)

KhaoticKore Avatar

dA name: BreyCat (on a new dA account now, user is KhaoticCore)
Ranebopets account name: KhaoticKore
links to any hatchlings or Ranebopets you need transferred: https://www.deviantart.com/breycat/art/Butters-804047775

can prove the character and dA belong to me if needed!

2023-11-04 02:23:21

TokyoTheGoat Avatar

where can I find the discord?? :] edit: nvm found it lol

2023-09-20 17:55:06 (Edited 2023-09-20 17:55:26)

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Joyful Avatar

Reply here if you have any questions!

2022-02-15 13:40:12 (Edited 2022-08-08 22:29:47)

GabyIsTrash Avatar

Is there a ranebopet discord?

2022-03-14 14:12:12

Joyful Avatar

there is, yes! You can join here: https://discord.com/invite/xpuvtYu
Please be aware that you must be 16 or older to join the discord ^^

2022-03-15 03:01:01

wolfiedraws Avatar

i have a question can you claim currency from a sculpted model of your ranepet. because i made my Bokkudo out of clay and in a little environment and i was wondering if i could make a claim from that :0

2022-03-14 01:16:15

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