Trb-596: Alicanto
🎆 Alicanto - They/Them 🎆
Alicanto comes off as calm and almost judgmental... that is if you can find them.
Alicanto lives in other people's homes, taking up organizing and other helpful tasks in the house if they deam the inhabitants to be worthy. They use shapeshifting to keep small and out of sight, so most people are ignorant to Alicanto's presence when they invite themselves in... with an exception.
Alicanto's work doesn't come for free. They'll snatch a few sugar cubes, as well as any gold you have on hand, in exchange for their service. Beware, disgruntled responses to this exchange or Alicanto's services will be met severely. The last thing you'll see of your home will be a pterrabble towering over it, before they vanish back into the wilds leaving a flattened structure in their wake.
🎆 Notes and Fun Facts 🎆
Alicanto's tongue-head is galaxy patterned (inspired by lore from SeventhBard!)
Alicanto is the kind of person who takes all the sugar and creamers from the coffee table.
Alicanto's favorite forms to shapeshift into is their sugarnix and trabblet forms.
Rarely if ever uses words to communicate. Instead, they use honks, beeps, dolphin-like sounds and other vocalizations. They'll also write notes if the subject is particularly complex.
When they are not inhabiting houses, Alicanto can be found traveling with their sibling Buttercorn.
Nicknamed Honkers by Buttercorn.
Alicanto shares their name with a mythical bird known for eating gold. Legend has it that if you had pure heart and secretly followed an Alicanto, you could find the rare metals it was feasting on! One had to be careful though, for if you were not pure of heart the Alicanto would lead you off a cliff!
The legend of the Alicanto also inspires the unusual heaviness of Alicanto (mind your back if you try to carry this trabble) and that, due to it, they can only glide and have a preference for running.
They're an incredible custom from SeventhBard (Enjoy and wumbus chumbus!) Thank you once again!!!
None Currently
🌟Main Character🌟 🌙Dreamie🌙 🖋️Name Brand🖋️
👾Sourced in Circuitry👾 ✏️Serif Soul✏️ 🔏Padlocked🔏
🎨Best Dressed🎨 🏠Forever Homed🏠 🏙️City Lover🏙️
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