
Trabble Horns (Rare)

Category: Trabble Traits
Species: Trabble

Trabble horns - This trabble has horns anywhere on their head! The base of the horns must blend into the trabble's head without looking seperate. 

Applicable for Trabble only

Trabble Antennae (Uncommon)

Category: Trabble Traits
Species: Trabble

Trabble Antennae  - This trabble possesses antennae that protrude from their head.

Applicable for Trabble only.

Trabble Ear crests (Uncommon)

Category: Trabble Traits
Species: Trabble

Trabble Ear crests - This trabble possesses tufted fur or feather-like fluff on the top of their head that resembles the shape of a pair of ears. 

Applicable for Trabble only.

Trabble Long fur (Rare)

Category: Trabble Traits
Species: Trabble

Trabble Long fur - This trabble has long, flowing fur. 

Applicable to Trabble only. 

This trait is needed to turn your trabble into a Pterrabble. (Long fur, long legs, long tail, pterawings)

Trabble Long tail (Rare)

Category: Trabble Traits
Species: Trabble

Trabble Long Tail - This trabble has a longer than normal tail.

Applicable to Trabble only. 

This trait is needed to turn your trabble into a Pterrabble. (Long fur, long legs, long tail, pterawings)

Trabble Teeth (Rare)

Category: Trabble Traits
Species: Trabble

Trabble Teeth - This Trabble has a row of teeth on the inside of its mouth. 

Applicable for Trabble only.

Treat Bag

Trabble Long Legs (Rare)

Category: Trabble Traits
Species: Trabble

Trabble Long Legs - This trabble has legs that allow them to run faster than normal.

Applicable to Trabble only. 

This trait is needed to turn your trabble into a Pterrabble. (Long fur, long legs, long tail, pterawings)

Trabble Pterawings

Trabble Pterawings (Legendary)

Category: Trabble Traits
Species: Trabble

Trabble Pterawings - This trait gives a trabble larger wings that allow them to glide and fly! These wings are jointed similar to a bird or a pteradactyl.  They cannot be feathered or webbed.

Applicable for Trabble
- cannot be applied to Trabbowls.

This trait is needed to turn your trabble into a Pterrabble. (Long fur, long legs, long tail, pterawings)

Trabble Fin (Enchanted)

Category: Trabble Traits
Species: Trabble

Trabble Fin - A shark/dolphin like fin.

Applicable to Trabble only.

Trabble Avian Tail (Enchanted)

Category: Trabble Traits
Species: Trabble

Allows you to add a bird/avian tail to your trabble that is made of feathers.
This can be any style from a real-world bird - rooster, swallow, peacock, etc!

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