Irri Tail (Rare)
Irribask Tail - A smooth classic tail of small to long length. It can be thin or fat, tapered or non. It can be a little bit longer when curled but can't be considerably longer than the irri's body (enchanted length trait) This tail cannot be fluffy or tipped. (See Irri Special tail)
Applicable for Irribask and Irribask subtypes only.
Irri Fingerless (Uncommon)
Irribask Fingerless - Removes an Irribask's fingers, giving them arms that are more flipper shaped.
Applicable for Irribask and Irribask subtypes only.
Irri Leakeye (Legendary)
Irribask Leakeye - The eyes constantly leak out the Irribask's flux.
Applicable for Irribask and Irribask subtypes only.
Irri Body Spines/Fur (Uncommon)
Irribask Spines/Fur - Spines, spikes, or fur on body, limbs, tail (any styles)
Applicable for Irribask and Irribask subtypes only.
Irri Representational Aperture (Enchanted)
Irribask Representational Aperture - Allows the Irribask's aperture to have a representational shape. Includes things such as Stars, Eyes, Hearts, etc.
Applicable for Irribask and Irribask subtypes only.