Trabble Horns (Rare)
Trabble horns - This trabble has horns anywhere on their head! The base of the horns must blend into the trabble's head without looking seperate.
Applicable for Trabble only
Trabble Antennae (Uncommon)
Trabble Antennae - This trabble possesses antennae that protrude from their head.
Applicable for Trabble only.
Trabble Ear crests (Uncommon)
Trabble Ear crests - This trabble possesses tufted fur or feather-like fluff on the top of their head that resembles the shape of a pair of ears.
Applicable for Trabble only.
Trabble Long fur (Rare)
Trabble Long fur - This trabble has long, flowing fur.
Applicable to Trabble only.
This trait is needed to turn your trabble into a Pterrabble. (Long fur, long legs, long tail, pterawings)
Trabble Long tail (Rare)
Trabble Long Tail - This trabble has a longer than normal tail.
Applicable to Trabble only.
This trait is needed to turn your trabble into a Pterrabble. (Long fur, long legs, long tail, pterawings)
Trabble Teeth (Rare)
Trabble Teeth - This Trabble has a row of teeth on the inside of its mouth.
Applicable for Trabble only.
Trabble Long Legs (Rare)
Trabble Long Legs - This trabble has legs that allow them to run faster than normal.
Applicable to Trabble only.
This trait is needed to turn your trabble into a Pterrabble. (Long fur, long legs, long tail, pterawings)
Trabble Pterawings (Legendary)
Trabble Pterawings - This trait gives a trabble larger wings that allow them to glide and fly! These wings are jointed similar to a bird or a pteradactyl. They cannot be feathered or webbed.
Applicable for Trabble
- cannot be applied to Trabbowls.
This trait is needed to turn your trabble into a Pterrabble. (Long fur, long legs, long tail, pterawings)
Trabble Fin (Enchanted)
Trabble Fin - A shark/dolphin like fin.
Applicable to Trabble only.
Trabble Avian Tail (Enchanted)
Allows you to add a bird/avian tail to your trabble that is made of feathers.
This can be any style from a real-world bird - rooster, swallow, peacock, etc!