
<a href=" Potion" class="display-item">Dragoon Potion</a>

Dragoon Potion

Category: Species-specific items

An item that can turn a normal draphibi into a Dragoon Draphibi. This item can  be earned through completion of the Dragoon Discovery prompt.


Purchaseable At:

<a href=" Upgrade" class="display-item">Domini Upgrade</a>

Domini Upgrade

Category: Species-specific items

Allows you to rank up your Cherubic cappari into a Domini cappari. You can add & remove 1 color, and can change markings.  



Domini Discovery Prompt

Purchaseable At:

Drops From:

<a href=" Eye Crest Potion" class="display-item">Draphibi Eye Crest Potion</a>

Draphibi Eye Crest Potion

Category: Species-specific items

Grants the draphibi eye crest trait

<a href=" Potion" class="display-item">Trabbowl Potion</a>

Trabbowl Potion

Category: Species-specific items

Trabbowl potion
This potion turns a regular trabble or trabble hatchling into a trabbowl.
Trait: Trabbowl Subtype
Species: Trabble/Trabble hatchling
​Get from:  Hattowen EC shop

Purchaseable At:

<a href=" Royal Potion" class="display-item">Bettabo Royal Potion</a>

Bettabo Royal Potion

Category: Species-specific items

Resale Value: 20 Ranebo Coins

Allows you to add 2 Rare bettabo traits to your bettabo. [ Click Here to see all available traits ]


Purchaseable At:

<a href=" Fancy Potion" class="display-item">Bettabo Fancy Potion</a>

Bettabo Fancy Potion

Category: Species-specific items

Resale Value: 15 Ranebo Coins

Allows you to add 3 uncommon bettabo traits to your bettabo. [ Click Here to see all available traits ]


Purchaseable At:

<a href=" Eel Potion" class="display-item">Bettabo Eel Potion</a>

Bettabo Eel Potion

Category: Species-specific items

Give your bettabo any combination of these traits:
Long eel body, sharp teeth, snaggletooth, underbite.


Purchaseable At:

<a href=" of Halcyon" class="display-item">Betrayal of Halcyon</a>

Betrayal of Halcyon

Category: Species-specific items

This item turns a cappari into a fallen cappari. You may add any common fallen cappari traits. 


Purchaseable At:

<a href=" Horn Potion" class="display-item">Draphibi Horn Potion</a>

Draphibi Horn Potion

Category: Species-specific items

Grants draphibis Horns

<a href=" Mini Horn Potion" class="display-item">Draphibi Mini Horn Potion</a>

Draphibi Mini Horn Potion

Category: Species-specific items

Your draphibi can have small nub horns. 

<a href=" Legendary Spell" class="display-item">Drajin Legendary Spell</a>

Drajin Legendary Spell

Category: Species-specific items

Allows you to add one Drajin trait from the Legendary Tier.

(does not allow you to add any traits from the general legendary tier, only drajin-specific traits)

<a href=" Legendary Spell" class="display-item">Bokkudo Legendary Spell</a>

Bokkudo Legendary Spell

Category: Species-specific items

Allows you to add one Bokkudo trait from the Legendary Tier.

(does not allow you to add any traits from the general legendary tier, only bokkudo-specific traits)

<a href=" Spell" class="display-item">Pterawing Spell</a>

Pterawing Spell

Category: Species-specific items

Adds the Trabble Pterawing trait "This trait gives a trabble larger wings that allow them to glide and fly! These wings are jointed similar to a bird or a pteradactyl.  They cannot be feathered or webbed."

Trait: Pterawings
Species: Trabble - Cannot be applied to Trabbowl

Note: This trait does not turn a trabble into a pterabble. It just applies the Pterawings trait!

To make a Pterabble, apply Pterawings, Long tail, Long fur, and Long legs to a trabble! 


Purchaseable At:

<a href=" Legendary Spell" class="display-item">Nixten Legendary Spell</a>

Nixten Legendary Spell

Category: Species-specific items

Allows you to add one Nixten trait from the Legendary Tier.

(does not allow you to add any traits from the general legendary tier, only Nixten-specific traits)

14 results found.