Lvl: 1
Currently Looking for Trades!
Offering: Headshots (ranebo, feral, anthro, humanoid, etc)
Examples -
Furaffinity: SilverSpade SilverSpade
DeviantArt: 5ilver5pade
LF: RC, Trait Spells, Potions, Bokkudo Hatchling MYOs, Painted Rock Golem Recipe or Pet, Pet Capsules or pets that I don't own.
May look at other offers.
Conversion -
Rough Sketch: 5rc
Clean Sketch: 10rc
Linework: 15
+Color: 3rc
+Shading: 5rc
+Simple BG: 5rc
(so highest for RS could be 18rc, CS could be 23rc, and Linework could be 28rc)
Painted: 30rc
New style I am perfecting.
+Color: 5rc
+BG: 10rc
(so highest for painting could be 45rc)
Pricing may vary due to complexity.
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