Lvl: 1
I will always look at trades or sales for these!
The "I would give you my soul for one" list (Order of most wanted): Sugarkiri, Sugarbu, Sugarphibi, Drajirri, Cappibask, Traphibi, Pterrable, Trabbu, Sleeper, Batnix.
Plans for current characters:
Sugar - Fairy Wings, Shedding, Vampire Teeth, XL Tail, Batnix
Okiji - Lightning Affinity
Machi - Shedding (Stars), Glowspecks, Bioluminescene (redesign to have space theme)
Draq - Wereform
2021-02-13 17:13:35 (Edited 2021-02-15 16:53:12)
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