Quick Sunnyfest Update!

Posted 2 years ago :: Last edited 2 years ago by AlphaDargon

Back so soon, but coming at you with a fun new update!



First on the list, our new sunnyfest event travel tokens are now live!

Jump on into the ocean, or explore the sunny beaches with our new event tokens for Deep Sea and Tarza!


Buy them using your well saved daily energy here in the Craft and Explore Shop!

Within the deep sea also comes forth!


A new crafting ingredient, Flotsam! Used in the crafting recipies of the Leviathan Potion and the new craftable Mini Shark Spell, dive on in to collect some of this new material!

Make sure to stop by the recipe section of the Craft and Explore shop or the event shop, you might find some other new recipes to snap up and add to your collection!

ALSO, Welcome our newest familiar lines, the chompi and srimp!


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You can find our rough and tumble little Chompi friends from exploring in the Tarza explore tokens, with the red/yellow varients being more common, and the rare and elusive GOLDEN Chompi being a rare 1% drop for those lucky enough to find them.

The blue Srimp, however, is well adapted to life within the deep sea, and can be a reward from the Deep Sea tokens! Some even say that the pink Srimp varient can be found when hunting for Ubras using an Ubra Trap, where there is a 9% chance you'll find one instead of your usual Ubra!

PLUS.... there seems to be a new varient of our old friend the Hermyte around in the Sunnyfest event shop, so don't forget to drop buy and snag one of these little snippers!


Happy Sunnyfest PARTYing everyone!


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