Hattowen Event 2021: Commence!

Posted 3 years ago :: Last edited 3 years ago by marshmu
Jack-O-Lantern Potion HAPPY HATTOWEN!! it's time to get YOUR SPOOK ON!! 


Hello Ranebofam! There's a chill in the Autumn air, the smell of pumpkin spice lattes wafting around, and a shiver runs down your spine... It’s finally here… the event you’ve all been waiting for; it's October and the start of our beloved event, Hattowen!


Click here for all the info on the Hattowen event!

And here for all prompt info!


Ghoworm: PinkGhoworm: Green!Ghoworm: Orange!Ghoworm: Blue!Ghoworm: White!Ghoworm: Purple!

There are a few NEW things this year including updated Ghoworm familar art, art for MORT the Bakiri NPC, and a staggered release schedule for the other exciting things we have planned! (Hattowen familiars? Research drops? Watch this space!)

Plus, keep an eye on your Ranebo inbox if you applied as an RRA intern!


Here’s our release schedule for this event! We'll keep you posted if anything changes!

Don't forget! ALL the weekly adopts will be posted early for SUPPORTERS two full days before and will ALL be halloween themed, so join one of the $10+ membership tiers for that and other goodies if you don't want to miss out!

Hattowen event 2021 release calender

MAKE SURE you clear your browser's cache in order to see the new art here on ranebopets.com!


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This event starts October 1st and ends October 31st, 11:59Pm EST.

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