Oophaga's new friend
Oophaga had just had a swim. He climbed onto a rock, his damp skin glistening in the bright sunshine. What a nice day! He gazed out over the water. He liked to watch the light reflect on the surface.
The slight, clicking buzz of an insect in flight caught his ear peripherally, but didn't really register until he felt a little hard body land, plop, onto his tail. A leetle gazed up at him with big, bright eyes.
"PRIIIIII" said Oophaga, which was the noise he always made, but this time, it meant "hello I just met you but I will love you forever."
Did the leetle understand him? Probably not. But for whatever reason, it had taken a liking to the brightly colored draphibi and from there on in, he was by Ooph's side. The draphibi named him "PRIIII" meaning Clickity. He was very fond of the slight sounds made by the leetle's wings.
In which a wild Leetle appears
Submitted By SeventhBard
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Submitted: 3 years ago ・
Last Updated: 3 years ago