Comments on [Closed] Eggster Adopts

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LlamaGod412 Avatar
Featured by Owner

Can I have this bab? :O (sorry about earlier, my brain fried XD)

2024-04-29 00:05:18 (Edited 2024-04-29 00:15:14)

izzy Avatar
izzy Staff Member

All yours!! It was an oops on our end too, so this bab will be on its way to you asap ❤️ will you be paying in ec or rc or a mix?

2024-04-29 00:15:37 (Edited 2024-04-29 00:16:01)

LlamaGod412 Avatar

RC please :P

2024-04-29 00:41:23

LlamaGod412 Avatar

I send it to you right? (Im dumb XD)

2024-04-29 00:44:39

izzy Avatar
izzy Staff Member

Yep you'll send it my way and I'll send da bb

2024-04-29 00:59:29