Comments on [Open] chumbus 2023 mod adopts

mothwyrms Avatar
mothwyrms Staff Member

Reply here to offer on Nix-031!

2023-12-24 12:02:42

twosteptoucan Avatar

I don't know if I'm replying to this comment or the one after feel free to correct me- I'm able to do 6 busts/icons, 3 half bodies, or a full and a half!!
edit adding art examples: this here has links to other socials for fandom art and all other!!

2023-12-27 00:05:51 (Edited 2023-12-27 00:17:19)

Plague1010 Avatar

omg i am in love with this deigns!!! I can offer either 30 ec or just c or a mix of both!! and a fullbody!!

2023-12-24 17:24:36

SeventhBard Avatar
SeventhBard Staff Member

This one was a coin flip (I could see one char in your style and the other in Toucan's and couldn't decide which one I wanted more lol). You won the toss! Keep your EC but give me your most lovingly rendered fullbody of this fremb plz

2023-12-27 04:40:34