Profile Trb-411: Paper

Owned by Chocolatespyro

Pronouns: He/They




Sluggish - They tend to be slow, as he's not very used to moving around and has very low energy in general. he's used to being carried around, and slowly crawls around whenever it's necessary. He doesn't even ask to be carried around, they just  drag themselves and plop their face on the ground... this has gotten some extremely worried stares from other ranebos meeting him for the first time, but it's been concluded by many examining him that he's just tired a lot.

Quiet - They also tend to not be much of a chatterbox either. This makes him a very good listener, and will often squeak or lift his head slightly in agreement at times whenever he's being talked to so that others know he's listening to them. Whenever he has to participate in an activity, he may very rarely hum an almost-silent tune, but it usually seems like they make up melodies as they go. Otherwise, he's basically silent a lot of the time.

Agreeable - He doesn't complain... almost at all. He agrees with most viewpoints and accepts that there are different worldviews out there that he and others may have to accept existing, this doesn't mean that he doesn't have some obvious exceptions for overly-brutal or dangerous viewpoints, however. They get to see different walks of life a lot of the time, and gains different views and perspectives based off them.

Nonconfrontational - Tends to avoid conflict as much as they can, and is more likely to talk things out.. even in dangerous situations where he or others could be hurt. He's not too great at talking others down, and even then will usually try harder to solve conflicts without much physical action. This can get him in potentially dangerous situations or rope in others he doesn't mean to force into dangerous situations.