Nix-080: Adder

Owned by mouer



Gay | Laid-Back | From the Desert | He/Him | WereSnake


Adder has been in quite a few scrapes, the leg was first and he has Orange his mothmin as a Service Animal. Orange helps as an emotional support as well as a guide and able to apply medical supplies. Adder has been attacked for his snake form before. He can turn at will, but it does take a lot of energy, and each form wishes to stay in it's form. Because of this it is pretty rare to see his other form. *NOTE* He does not have DID etc, as a nix he just wishes to not scare anyone as a giant venomous snake and as a Snake he wants to sunbathe.

He is married to Akanos and has adopted Redeye as well! He used to work as a grifter with Finite, but has convinced them to turn that chaotic energy to less illegal pursuits.

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