Profile Bok-302: Leaftier

Owned by Sarracenia

Based on the oak leaftier moth :)

Part of the Bokkudo Bunch with Geranium, Tussock, and Bijou, Leaftier is considered the most 'basic' of the bunch. He's also considered the most 'boring', because he's comfirmed as the kind who likes plain vanilla ice cream. And there's nothing wrong with that obviously, vanilla ice cream is great (especially compared to whatever Geranium eats) but that does not mean it isn't basic. It's simple. And once again that's not bad, but it's a fact nonetheless.

Leaftier often finds himself being the voice of reason among the group, due to being the only one with a brain cell. He's the calm, collected friend that everyone needs in their lives. Being the voice of reason doesn't stop him from being the youngest, though: Geranium knew him as a hatchling!

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