
Created: 22 August 2024, 17:20:04 EDT
Last updated: 22 August 2024, 17:24:00 EDT


Cappari Traits

Sometimes known as Capp

Beings of spirit that are known to worship and gather around Halcyon, an immense being that offers them protection and power among the clouds. Cappari are known as mischevious and playful, often playing around or playing harmless pranks on others. They can teleport distances over the plane with their halo that every Cappari has. 

Cappari also known as Cherubi Cappari,  can become larger and more powerful after they have accomplished deeds or are blessed by more powerful Cappari. They can become Domini Cappari, getting a larger body plan and more influence among Cappari society. Domini can grown even further in their divine power and become Ascended Cappari. These Cappari hold the highest rank among society.

Cappari society has a mortal enemy, the Trabble and their diviniforms. The interdimensional mollusks are mortal enemies of the Cappari. Generally Cappari are known to exterminate Trabbles they find. 

Baby Cappari are called Capip, and adolescent Cappari are called Cappi. As they grow their bib they are born with slowly lengthens into the collar that each Cappari has. They often hang onto their halos as babies to help them stay afloat, have smaller wign ears and a small nubby tail. They occasionally have small objects floating around them as well, this is not the antigravity trait. 

Cappi have lengthened collars that look almost like a cape, their wing ears have grown larger, but are still more chunky, and their halo has migrated above their head at this point.


cappari more flavorcappari flavor image


cappari life stages


baby capiplife stages

Domini Cappari


Ascended Cappari

ascended cappariascended


fallen capparifallen cappari

Fallen Cappari Traits

Occasionally a Cappari breaks it's connection with Halcyon their halo shatters and their bodies become mortal for the first time in their lives. This can be a painful process for Cappari to overcome and often manifest traits that are fairly common for Cappari. Fallen Cappari always have their halo, but now in this form it's broken into pieces and these Cappari can no longer teleport as they once did. 

They also begin to require food at this point, as Cherubi Cappari don't need food, once they've fallen this can be a shock for them now needing to sustain themselves with traditional food.

Fallen Cappari common traits can include:

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