✦ What are hatchlings? ✦
Hatchlings are baby Ranebopets. They are limited in how they can participate, but you can grow them up to have full prompt access with them! The readily available hatchling species are Draphibi, Bokkudo, Bettabo, and Trabble. Other species' hatchlings are a little more rare and can be obtained from MYO events, raffles, and special releases.

Get a starter
If you have never owned a Ranebopet before, you are an FTO (first time owner) and you can get a free starter hatchling! Non-FTOs can't get the starter hatchling.
1. Get Ticket
Get your golden ticket here.
Go to your inventory. Click on the ticket, and Select its Checkbox.
Under "Use Slot", click OPEN. It will now be stored in your MYO slot area. (home>my myo slots)
2. Design
Follow the hatchling design guide. Remember, hatchlings can only have 3 colors max and need to have a minimum of 2 different markings!
If you'd like, you can use one of the free hatchling bases to design & submit your hatchling.
Hatchling Bases3. Submit
Use the guide in the section below for a step-by-step of how to submit your hatchling.
You'll use the same process every time you want to submit a new character.
Step 1: Navigate to your MYO Slots.
On the navbar, go to home > My MYO Slots. Click your hatchling MYO, and on its page, select Submit MYO Design on the sidebar. You will be brought to an MYO Approval Request page. Select the Create Request button.
Step 2: Fill out the form. Make sure to select Save at the bottom of the page after every step! The red X on each tab will change to a green O when it's been filled out.
At the top of the page you will see five tabs:
- Status
- Comments
- Masterlist Image
- Add-Ons
- Traits
Traits: Hatchlings don't have traits, so select Save at the bottom of the page and move to the next tab.
Do the same for Add-Ons.
Masterlist image: Upload your design & crop a thumbnail.
Designer alias: Enter the designer's Ranebopets username. If they don't have one, add a link in the URL field.
Artist alias: same as above.
Comments: For any additional notes about your MYO. If you don't have anything to add, put "None" or "N/A".
Status: If you've filled out the other sections and saved them as you went, you can now submit your MYO design!
Select Submit Request at the bottom of this page to add it to the approval queue. Congrats, your hatchling is on the way to approval!
Grow Your Hatchling
When you grow your hatchling, you unlock new features! You can add traits to it, trade it, or redesign it. You can access more prompts with a grown Ranebopet than a hatchling, like the Affinity quests.
1. Growth Potion
To grow up your hatchling, you'll need a Growth Potion. (Marshmu-made hatchlings do not need a growth potion to be grown)
Get one from...
- Doing a Hatchling Growth prompt.
- The shops: RC shop | Cash shop
2. Design
The design rules for Grown Hatchlings are:
- Markings can be changed completely.
- At least two of your original colors must stay the same.
- Any number of new colors can be added.
3. Submit
Use the guide in the section below for a step-by-step of how to submit.
In the future, you'll use the same process every time you want to update a character's design.
Submitting the Form
At the top of the page, you'll see 5 tabs: Status, Comments, Masterlist Image, Add-ons, and Traits.
Make sure to hit save at the bottom of the page after every step. The red X at the top will change to a Green O when everything's filled out.
Traits: From this tab, you can see your character's traits, species, and rarity. Make sure Subtype is set to No Subtype.
If you are not adding any traits to your hatchling, skip ahead to Add-Ons.
- To add a new trait, select Add Trait. In the dropdown menu, type part of the trait name to search for it in the list. Don't fill out the extra info tab unless necessary. Use the Add Trait button to repeat this process for every new trait.
- Once you've added all of your traits, change the Character Rarity to match their highest-tier trait, ie. Rare, Enchanted, etc.
Add-Ons: The section for adding design-changing items!
In the "Your Inventory" tab, select your Hatchling Growth Potion. Select any other items for traits you're adding. If you cannot find the one you are looking for, you can filter your inventory by category to make searching easier.
NOTE: If you do not have the necessary items in your inventory to add the traits you listed in the Traits tab, your design will be denied! Traits require items to be added.
Masterlist image: Upload your design & crop a thumbnail.
Designer alias: Enter the designer's Ranebopets username. If they don't have one, add a link in the URL field.
Artist alias: same as above.
Comments: For any additional notes about your MYO. If you don't have anything to add, put "None" or "N/A".
Status: If you've filled out the other sections and saved them as you went, you can now submit your MYO design!
Select Submit Request at the bottom of this page to add it to the queue.

Q: Why was my Hatchling denied?
If your design was denied, make sure you read the moderator comments. You may need to make edits to your design. If no rejection message was included, please contact the moderator via deviantART or Discord!
Q: What are the hatchling limitations?
MYO Hatchling Ranebopets are tradelocked and can ONLY participate in Hatchling Prompts and some event prompts. Additionally, hatchlings cannot obtain any traits or affinities.
Q: Am I able to set up a trade before my hatchling is grown?
Yes! You would either need to have the person you're trading with send RC to you to purchase the growth potions or purchase a growth potion yourself. Either person is free to design their adult form! You must submit a design update yourself before they'll be marked for trade!